Note: D range is only available to specially approved members, their specially approved guests, as well as approved outside people attending hosted high power shooting events, (e.g. NRA shooting match, junior high power practice). This range is NOT open to the general public for CSF Public Shooting Days or otherwise.
For highpower shooters that are looking for details about the scheduled matches, please follow this link to the highpower page… Highpower
The Cascade Shooting Facilities D range may be used as a 200 yard, 300 yard, or 600 yard high power, center fire, rifle range only. The yardage in use various throughout the month. Please be sure to check the calendar if you wish to shoot a specific yardage. There are specific days specified for 200 yard, 300 yard, and 600 yard usage.
The only people allowed to shoot 600 yards are members and their guests by special approval of the Board of Executives. Approval is obtained by presenting documentation to the Board of Executives which contains the specific external ballistics of the rounds you wish to shoot, and sufficient proof in your ability to ensure that the rounds you shoot will make it to the target, 600 yards away. The biggest concern here is at the 200 yard firing line there is a firing line shed which has a leaky roof. It is the memberships desire that anyone shooting 600 yards does so in such a way that their bullets won’t drop onto the roof of the 200 yard firing line.
Please see the Range Standard Operating Procedures (RSOP) for specific rules governing the use of D range.