Public Shooting Days

Public Shooting Days at Cascade Shooting Facilities (CSF)

Public Shooting days are typically scheduled on four days each month. For the exact days of the public shoots every month, please see the CSF Club Calendar. Public shooting days are from 10AM to 3PM and costs $10 per shooter. Cash only and exact change is appreciated. The address for the outdoor range is at the bottom of this page.

Public Shooting days are conducted on C Range for rifles and E Range, Bay 5 for pistols. Please refer to the Range Information pages (Ranges) for specific rules and restrictions on those two ranges as they pertain to the type of firearm that you may use.

When you arrive, you will be met by the CSF Gatekeeper to check in, collect fees, answer questions and direct you to the C or E range. When you get to the range you will be met by one or more CSF Range Safety Officer(s) (RSO) for your required range safety briefing. The RSO(s) will be present the entire time you are there.

CSF does not sell, nor provide targets, ammo, supplies, etc. While CSF does furnish wooden target stands, you must bring your own paper targets, staple gun, and staples to affix your targets to the stand.

The Rules

While you will be briefed when you get there by the RSO(s), here are some of the rules. Most should look familiar to you.

  • Treat all guns as always loaded.
  • Never point a gun at anything you are not willing to destroy.
  • Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on target and you have made the decision to shoot.
  • Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.
  • Abusive behavior to staff or facilities will not be tolerated and we reserve the right to ask anyone to leave at any time.
  • Your bullets must impact the back berm with every shot. If not, you may be asked to leave the premises immediately. If you are not sure your rounds are impacting the berm, stop immediately, and ask for assistance from an RSO.
  • You shall listen to and obey all rules, cease-fires, commands, etc. from the CSF Range Safety Officer(s) on duty.
  • When finished, you shall collect your targets and target stand and place the target stand back where you got them. Remove the target and take it with you as there is no onsite garbage at the range.
  • If you brought something to the range with you, you must take it out with you when you leave. e.g. targets, brass, etc. For spent brass, please offer it up to the RSO or other shooters present first.
  • The RSO(s) are not present to teach you how to shoot, to shoot better, or site in your rifle for you.

For a complete list of Range Safety Rules, go here.

For more information about Cascade Shooting Facilities, please browse this website. If you have any questions or would like to speak with a Cascade Shooting Facilities representative regarding our range, please contact us.

If you are a CSF member and volunteer to help the public shoot days, here is information for you:
Click here for the volunteer schedule of the available public shooting days and the schedule of Range Safety Officers and Entry Gate volunteers.