May 2019 Match Results

The match results from this weekend are attached.  Thank you for attending.  Our next match is the Cascade Cup on June 15th.  It is a 60 shot, 600 yard prone match.  On Father’s Day, we will host our annual Father’s Day BBQ and Junior Fundraiser RMC. Hope to see you there.

Jim Plowden Award Lifetime CSF Membership

Out of recognition for years of service, Jim was awarded a lifetime membership to Cascade Shooting Facilities at the May 2019 general meeting. Congratulations and thanks Jim!

April 2019 Match Results

The match results from Sunday’s match is attached.  Thank you for braving the cold and wet to shoot in honor of Rich Vedvick.  There are some changes from the original posting on Sunday.  It was revealed that Jim Obermeyer was the match winner, and Dick Elliott was First Combined. Our next match is the M1 Garand/M1 Carbine match…

April 2019 Alex Parv Match Results

The match results from Saturday are attached.  I think our two new juniors performed exceedingly well.  It’s also worth noting that Zevin’s last string was a 199-5X.  Not a bad days work. Our next match will be Saturday the 20th.  It will be a NRA Approved RMC.  Thanks to those that came out and supported the Alex Parv…

March 2019 Match Results

Hello shooters, The match results from Saturday and Sunday are attached.  We had a great turnout both days.  Our next match will be the 80 shot offhand “Alex Parv Match” on April  13th.  The following Saturday is an approved RMC.  April 27th is the Rich Vedvick Memorial LR6 Match. Thanks for joining us. Jer

Seeking volunteer RSOs and Gatekeepers

Cascade members interested in earning your time via the Gate Keeper or RSO route please get in touch so we can get you on the schedule.Contact Dan Chavre at or 206-919-4012. You can view the schedule on the following link 2019 Public Schedule for Gatekeepers and RSOs

weather update

The parking areas for B,C and E ranges are plowed.The entrance gate and the road going in and out of our Range is also plowed.The walkways to the Bathrooms and the Range House got shoveled as well. Snow damage is as follows:The gutters on both side of the tractor shed with need to be repaired or…

Our rights might be at risk

The following content is a message from Curtis at Adventure Protection. He’s a member, professional instructor and friend of CSF. His comments are his own, but we have shared them here for your consideration. Thanks -editor Folks, WA state politicians have introduced an huge number of anti-gun bills. They aren’t even pretending anymore. We’ve started…